Oh I look forward to Wednesdays just for this post. It's so pleasant getting to know people just a little bit better...
{one} what was your favorite birthday gift?
My favorite Bday gift was my Chanel Sunglasses from my hubby. They have since been lost. But I had them for 2 years. I cried when I lost them.
{two} have you ever been cow-tipping or snipe-hunting?
um nope. What is snipe-hunting?
{three} what’s the strangest talent you have?
I can bend just the very tip of my finger (at the first joint) all by itself, to a 90 degree angle.
{four} what are your favorite kind of chips?
{five} do you know any tongue twisters?
Shelly sells seashells by the seashore. Um that's it...haha!
{six} what was the last movie you saw in a theater?
"Eat, Pray, Love" with Julia Roberts.
I have to say it was better than I though it would be.
{seven} do you collect anything?
I've attempted old coins and got to two of them, and quit. Next in line would have to be Monopoly.
I have about 5 different types. I <3 that game!
{eight} what is something you wish you were better at?
I wish I was better at sewing. I've always admired those that can sew a cute dress togethor
or make a costume, or even a pretty throw.
{nine} what’s the worst habit you have?
No self control when it comes to chocolate. I can eat, and eat, and eat!
{ten} when you wake up, what is the first thing you think?
If it's a work day, "I don't want to work!" If not, than "I'm so glad I'm not working today!"
That was fun!
Photos courtesy of Photobucket.